Business Exit

What You’ll learn in this online course:
Prepare Your Business For Sale is a streetwise guide for business owners, their advisors, and heirs to understand the importance of preparing a business for sale, and keeping it prepared from now on.
Prepare Your Business For Sale gives a comprehensive overview of the mergers, acquisitions, and sales biome. Why do the different players do what they do, and how do they do it. The course guides you through the strategies and tactics for the best outcome to any business owner.
It is an online and on-demand course presented in bite size chunks, clearly split into relevant modules, chapters and lessons. You can jump from one chapter to another, replay any lesson, again and again.
The course is available 24/7, and is optimised for all devices: desktop, tablet, and smartphone. You are able to switch from one to the other platform with ease.
What do you want to sell?
A grounding in what can be sold whether it is companies, businesses, divisions, regions, and assets versus shares.
Who will want your business?
Conglomerating gatherers, horizontal and vertical mergers, market and product extending acquisitions.
What intermediaries participate?
What is the role of brokers, bankers, attorneys, accountants, consultants, auditors, and finders?
The types of buyers
Either strategic or financial, or a hybrid of the two? How do they fit into broader buyer strategies?
Pricing and value
What determines value and why it is not necessarily correlated to pricing of business acquisitions?
Controlling access
So much for buyer fears - sellers must protect themselves during a sale and due diligence process.
What to show and when
Every business owner needs to know what they should show, and what they should hold back. We'll show you how to do so.
Buyers' fears
Dealing with buyer fears is the most important activity of the business seller, up to and during the due diligence.
All the agreements required in the sale, acquisition, or merger of any business with all their parts explained.
I am going to teach you all about the business sale experience in your own time.
Wherever you are.
On whatever device you have.
"An easily accessible reference"

Developing course content...
*This course content is not guaranteed to remain unchanged
We have kept this course away from Udemy, Teachable, Thinkific, Youtube, and the rest. We control our own course assets, and never have to worry about rebuilding a course because the "freebie" is held ransom by a policy change.
We own our courses, and that means you will always have access to them, with the updates as they occur. Because if one thing is certain - it is change.
Your Course Meister:
Mark Corke
Mark started his career in business in 1988, and more specifically in mergers, acquisitions, and disposals in 1992. He first presented a version of Prepare Your Business For Sale in 2006. It was then a 3 hour overview of what business owners can expect when they sell their businesses.
With another 15 years of sell-side experience in mergers and acquisitions, he is uniquely qualified to give you a street-wise view, free of the corporate BS, but full of detail.
Prepare Your Business For Sale has grown through a decade and a half to make it a valuable resource for all business owners.

Pre-register for the course.
Reserve your early access place now and join us on the course that will change the way you think about your business.
"No obligation" means no obligation to buy the course. No credit card required. Just your contact details, so we can get hold of you closer to launch date to help you exercise your option.
"No obligation" means you have nothing to lose by registering now. And of course you can unsubscribe from the offer at any time. But you will amongst the first to know about the limited launch offer.
This online, on-demand, always available, and updated course will add millions to your exit value.