Business valuation formulas

There is some confusion about the difference between value and price. It is exacerbated by the appearance of a life-threatening virus, quietly from the shadows. And then before we knew what was on the go, the world changed.

And in times of change, threat, and crisis, Opportunity arrives.

And the opportunity has arrived in a hermetically sealed luxury bus. Its occupants wearing masks and issuing commands to their home-cloistered disciples: “buy low, buy low, buy low.”

And they will tell you that willing buyers are now reluctant buyers, and willing sellers have become desperate sellers.

And you should be very careful

So here is something to help you understand the context of prices and valuations in a time of uncertain change. The value to you, of your business, has nothing to do with buyers and sellers – willing, reluctant, or desperate.

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(But really, a WhatsApp or email message is just much better!

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