So how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time… Yawn…
I recently moved house. I have about 1,500 books. Some very old (300 years) some very new (on Kindle). Packing books in boxes is a tedious, but fairly simply affair, once you get to grips with the fact that only the old Penguin books were ever of a uniform size. Today books come in as many dimensions as there are dimensions, so filling a box to its optimum is a game of tetris, with muscles.
Why muscles? Well because unlike the elephant meal, moving 1,500 books is done in the opposite order. You can put them all into a box, one book at a time, but you cannot easily carry a box which is too big, and full of books. The weight is one thing for middle aged aching business consultants; the bottom falling out of the box is another. So, like the elephant, the job is best done in smaller boxes, but lots of them.
And that metaphor leads us on to the difficulty of preparing a business for sale in one large chunk…..
It cannot be done with any sort of reliability, or without getting a severe case of indigestion. That is why we have created the Suitegum Splinter program.
Imagine the monthly prompt for new information, slowly but surely building a portfolio for the future buyer of your business to be sold with.
Imagine not having to do this in an emergency, after a truck has plowed through the vehicles carrying your managing director?
Or just imagine knowing what your business is worth on an annual basis, reliably. That will enable you to plan for your retirement, think about your next great venture or just feel smug about what you have managed to achieve so far.
The Splinter way allows you to continue to operate your own business while someone who has been there before gets on with the job of polishing a product for delivery whenever you choose to do so, or is chosen for you by some unfortunate and unforeseen event.
Just a quick question: Who has never raced away through an intersection when the lights change to green, without first looking left and right? I will never do that again.