Unique Strategies for Preparing Your Business for Sale

We prepare business owners and their businesses for a successful sale or merger!

The best merger (business sale) outcomes start with diligent preparation

Deals fail more often than not.

As miserable as the idea might be, it is true: business sales fail, dashing hopes, plans, and the aspirations of the would-be sellers.

Business sales, acquisitions, disposals, and mergers don't always end happily with the seller limping off into the sunset in search of a restaurant in which to celebrate with family and friends. 

Some of the reasons for failures are in the articles below, and by "some" we mean this is a sub set of a much larger pool of misery.

Business owners, directors, and entrepreneurs regard themselves as tough. And let's face it; they really are. One needs to be a certain mix of charm and gladiator to get through what today passes as customer and supplier relations.

The problem

Selling a business, while also requiring wile, dexterity, accommodation, and throat grabbing, is played out on an entirely different battle ground, and in trenches which become shallower very quickly.

As a business owner you are likely to engage in this dance of due diligence fewer times than the fingers on one hand of a reckless tool-maker. In your whole life!

On the other hand, the people who will express an interest in acquiring the fruit of your years of toil, have all lost count of the number of other businesses in which they have sloshed around. 

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